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Sustainability: My firefighting background was an opportunity to leave things better than we found them, which I still strive for every day.
Strategic Creative + Cause Advocacy: In 2017, I designed a set of urban rooftop farming materials made from Nike Grind for a sustainability innovation competition.
Inclusion & Representation: During my 2019 Nike Brand Content Strategy contract, I joined all eight NikeUNITED networks and created representation opportunities for Nike employees from all walks of life, doubling our Linkedin audience to 3 million during 2019.
My commitment to life-long learning pairs with my kinesthetic learning style.
I'm fascinated with understanding how things work.
Current fixations include User Experience Integration, Design Thinking, Data Science, Contemporary Fiction, Farmers Market cooking.
Sun Tzu's enduring point of view on strategy and laser-focused intent.
The Hagakure's interpretations of Bushido, the samurai code of honor.
I thrive on teams of top-shelf creatives combining diverse skill sets to achieve more than any of us could alone.
We carry internet access everywhere on our phones, but I have no ego about asking a legit expert for recommendations.
Any of us can snap an iPhone picture any moment of the day, but I see value in the abilities of a world-class photographer (designer, chef, etc.)
My mentality, long story short: Potential is unleashed by building something bigger than yourself.
Don't be a hater, be a celebrator.