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    • Sustainability: My firefighting background was an opportunity to leave things better than we found them, which I still strive for every day.

    • Strategic Creative + Cause Advocacy: In 2017, I designed a set of urban rooftop farming materials made from Nike Grind for a sustainability innovation competition.

    • Inclusion & Representation: During my 2019 Nike Brand Content Strategy contract, I joined all eight NikeUNITED networks and created representation opportunities for Nike employees from all walks of life, doubling our Linkedin audience to 3 million during 2019.

  • My commitment to life-long learning pairs with my kinesthetic learning style.

    I'm fascinated with understanding how things work.

    Current fixations include User Experience Integration, Design Thinking, Data Science, Contemporary Fiction, Farmers Market cooking.

    • Sun Tzu's enduring point of view on strategy and laser-focused intent.

    • The Hagakure's interpretations of Bushido, the samurai code of honor.

  • I thrive on teams of top-shelf creatives combining diverse skill sets to achieve more than any of us could alone.

    • We carry internet access everywhere on our phones, but I have no ego about asking a legit expert for recommendations.

    • Any of us can snap an iPhone picture any moment of the day, but I see value in the abilities of a world-class photographer (designer, chef, etc.)

    My mentality, long story short: Potential is unleashed by building something bigger than yourself.

    Don't be a hater, be a celebrator.

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 Our work is not a zero-sum game | Don’t be a hater | Be a celebrator